Peter Meinke- Writer, Poet

Brooklyn, N.Y.-born writer Peter Meinke was the inaugural Poet Laureate for St. Petersburg in 2009. I initially met him when he presented at annual Creative Loafing Writing Contests, where his intriguing work caught my and the audience's ear. He is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered man who worked hand-in-hand with his wife, Jeanne Clark Meinke. He did the writing, and she did the illustrations.

For this photo, they invited me into their charming home and studios. There was a calm, welcoming energy in every inch of that house. Jeanne’s office was a sun-filled corner room downstairs. Peter had two prime writing spots: one with a beautiful oak desk downstairs and a converted bedroom office filled with books and memorabilia upstairs. For his photo, I did not want a lot of gratuitous trinkets. I wanted a simple kind of portrait of a kind and soulful man. This shot was taken with ambient light coming through the window camera left. They also honored me with a portrait of Jeanne, as well as of one with them together.

Technical Information- Gear: Canon EOS 5D MK IV, Canon EF11-24 f/4USM @ 11mm

Exposure: 1/160s @ f/4. ISO 1600 Lighting: Available window light

Tampa portraits, environmental portraits

Peter works at his downstairs desk

Jeanne Meinke sketching Adnan Khashoggi to use with Peter's latest work.

Petter reads from The Expert Witness at Creative Loafing Writing Contest 03-2017

Peter and Jeanne Meinke on the steps of their St Petersburg home