#4 Color Matters
Good color = better food photography. Take a few minutes and learn about simple color theory including complementary colors. Browns and blues typically go well together. Reds and greens often go together. Reds almost always photograph well so if you have a dish with red peppers or tomatoes in it, think about pulling them out and put them on top or in front! We eat with our eyes first. I want my photos to make people hungry! Color matters.
Understandably, you don't always get to choose your color palette. But when you can, use it to make your photo pop.
Not an expert in complimentary color? No need to memorize anything, just get yourself a simple color wheel. Something like this explains it all!
In my homage to Edward Weston I shot this red pepper in black and white. Food can be used as art, but doesn't usually look good in B&W if you are trying to make someone hungry. Use good color for that.
Brown food rarely looks good without something in the image to balance it. Even a beautiful steak must be styled and lit correctly to make it pop. Image from Instagram.