#10. Don't Take Diagonal Shots!
C'mon people. Please, be careful with such odd angles! Image from Instagram
No diagonal camera angles!! It’s a pet peeve of mine. I’m not sure why people shoot food and drinks with their camera cocked sideways. It looks ridiculous. For food photos, stay flat unless there’s a compositional reason not to do so. Concentrate on the XY axis, not the Z axis. Do your best to make sure the "horizon line"- lines that would naturally be straight like the edge of a table- are straight.
This is not the same as setting your subject on a diagonal (Tip #9) as a leading line. This tip is about not holding your camera like you had too much saki!
Sushi courtesy of Yelp! Okay. Why...shoot...like..this..??
What were they thinking? It's dizzying just looking this image. The lighting looks usable, but the camera is held in an odd position. Photo from Google Local Guides.
Just no! Photo from Facebook